Goodbye. Journer through grief

What is the project about?
Goodbye. Journey through grief is an informative booklet with artistic undertones. Responsible and socially engaged design does not always have to be an innovative breakthrough. Some issues require restraint and only a subtle design interference. Designing for death – focused on the process of grief, is a neuralgic, sensitive and critical area of work for designers.
What is the aim of the project?
The main and primary goal of this project was to widely remind, that grief is normal and healthy reaction to loss, but at the same time, there is no one-fits-all trajectory of this experience. Overall message sent via this booklet design can be summed up to: Grief is normal and healthy, but also has a highly personal course.

What was the motivation?
My motivation to create this project was to bring the topic of grief out of the taboo state of mind and start the conversation about personal experience of loss.
Additional values
Booklet contains up-to-date information about grief, thanks to the support of specialists in this field. The meritorical part of this project was created in close cooperation with experts in the field of death from Instytut of Good Death (Instytut Dobrej Śmierci) – psychologists and sociologists. Moreover, from a purely design perspective, it tries to show that the topic of death is not something that designers should steer clear of.

+ 3 person

+ 5 person

+ 1 person

+ 1 person

+ 1 person

+ 1 person

+ 1 person

+ 1 person