Installation for Fabryka Pełna Życia

What is the project about?
The project promotes the activities of the Fabryka Pełna Życia (an institution operating in Dąbrowa Górnicza). it was important to show the inhabitants of Dąbrowa Górnicza that a new city centre accessible and open to all is being created in the Fabryka Pełna Życia. The second aspect of the project is to get the inhabitants interested in local history.
For whom the project was created?
Its main target audience are: inhabitants of Dąbrowa who were not previously involved in the Fabryka project (promoting the cultural and industrial heritage of the city), who have no knowledge of the city, and people from surrounding towns who visit Dąbrowa sporadically. The project was realised in cooperation with the Fabryka Pełna Życia.

What is the aim of the project?
The main objective of the project was to communicate that the new centre of Dąbrowa Górnicza is a Fabryka Pełna Życia. For a long time, the people of Dąbrowa Górnicza did not identify this area with the city centre: a place for meetings, social and cultural activities. The project aims to encourage the residents of Dąbrowa Górnicza to visit the Fabryka and get them interested in the culture and history of Dąbrowa and the Fabryka.

What was the motivation?
The motivation to undertake the project was the opportunity to cooperate with the Fabryka Pełna Życia in helping to engage the inhabitants of Dąbrowa Górnicza in community activities.
Additional values
The project has a high educational value: it draws attention to the revitalisation and the transformation of the city, refers to the industrial history of Dąbrowa Górnicza and places connected with the culture and history of the city. Another valuable value of the project is building a sense of belonging to a place.

+ 3 person

+ 1 person

+ 1 person

+ 1 person

+ 1 person

+ 1 person

+ 1 person