The base and organizer for the rehabilitation exoskeleton

Czego dotyczy projekt?
The base and organizer for the rehabilitation exoskeleton – support during the work of a rehabilitator.
For whom the project was created?
The users of the project are the child patients of Wiktor Dega Orthopaedic and Rehabilitation Clinical Hospital in Poznań with cerebral palsy rehabilitated with an exoskeleton and doctors operating the equipment. The objects have been designed in such a way that they can also be used by adult patients.
What is the aim of the project?
The project consists of two objects. The function of the base is to facilitate the use of exoskeleton in the rehabilitation process. The backrest is separated so that the patient could be safely seated while wearing the exoskeleton. The base is secured by wheel brakes released with a dedicated handle. The second object is the organizer, equipped with a table top, detachable baskets for accessories and holders for crutches.

What was the motivation?
What motivated us to develop the project was the opportunity to design a product facilitating the rehabilitation of chronically ill people.
Additional values
The project was created as part of the research program in cooperation between the Magdalena Abakanowicz University of Arts in Poznań, Tente company and the Wiktor Dega Orthopaedic and Rehabilitation Clinical Hospital in Poznań. The prototypes were handed over to the hospital for use. We used medical PVC fabric which is abrasion-resistant, water-resistant, and easy to disinfect. The frame geometry is based on the assumption that the resulting objects are to be easy to produce and optimized for disassembly and compact packing during transport.

+ 3 person

+ 5 person

+ 1 person

+ 1 person

+ 1 person

+ 1 person

+ 1 person