
Antonina Makowska
PL, UT in Łódź


The author wanted to raise the topic of beauty standards that are being pushed upon women, to comment on how unrealistic these expectations often are and how we are still trying to meet them. The author felt the project became some form of extension of the many dialogues she had with her girlfriends before.

She started her project by drawing a storyboard that she later exten-
ded. Then she tried to transfer what she had in mind onto pictures and videos of herself that she later used to create the animation. She drew each frame individually and stitched them together in Adobe Animate. Then she recorded sounds for the animation, and found old commercials that she felt were useful for the storyline. She edited the sound in Adobe Audition, and connected both animation and audio in Adobe Premiere.

The target audience of the project are open-minded people who feel
a connection to this subject.

Antonina Makowska