Agendify – Time Management Mobile App

The main goal of developing the Agendify app was to create a space
where overworked people who find it hard to achieve work-life balance will be able to plan their day while taking care of their mental and psychological health by selecting habits that are suggested for their lifestyle. Thus, in a single application, we can synchronize all our tasks, saving time that we can have for ourselves.
The design process began with an extensive analysis. It was important to identify the current problem and its solution. Subsequently, a strategy was prepared defining the purpose, success indicators and basic tasks of the application. These tasks were followed by a competitive analysis, creation of a persona and empathy map. The next stage involved creating mockups, design and interaction. The project is aimed at overworked, working, or studying people aged 18–40.
The entire app was made in Figma.

+ 3 person

+ 1 person

+ 2 person

+ 1 person

+ 1 person

+ 4 person

+ 2 person

+ 1 person

+ 2 person