Circulate it!

Krzysztof Nowak
PL, AFA in Kraków


The project comprises a service that supports the principles of circular economy. The application allows users to give objects a second life by finding a specialist who will ensure that the object they no longer need doesn’t end up in the trash but finds a new owner (e.g. after a repair /refurbishment). The target group are users who are aware of the advantages of the circular economy but they don’t have the time to actively engage in the zero waste movement. The aim was to facilitate the process of giving objects a second life rather than throw them away for lack of time to sell them. In case an object cannot return to the circulation, it will be properly recycled. The app helps build a community that is aware of the dangers of consumerism and approaches consumer decisions responsibly. In addition to the ideological aspects, the app also provides the users with an opportunity to make money. The project was made in figma and was tested on potential users.

Krzysztof Nowak