Anna Pohl

Anna Pohl

Curator of the AGRAFA’22 event, responsible for the content-related part of the event and coordination of all organisational activities, has curated 3 editions of the AGRAFA international design conference (since 2015).

Designer, Head of the Chair of Visual Communication Design at the Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Katowice. She teaches visual identity design. Author of visual identification projects, visual information systems and exhibitions. Her research work focuses on a place identity with a participatory approach. She is interested in social and educational projects. She cooperated with the Katowice chapter of the SARP Association of Polish Architects for 7 years, carrying out educational and curatorial projects and running the SARP Architecture Gallery in Katowice.

To me, BEYOND means…
Opening up to opportunities.
Not getting attached to obvious and known things.
Finding your own way, sometimes against expectations or trends.