Jacek Mrowczyk

Jacek Mrowczyk

Curator of the AGRAFA conference from 2010 to 2022. Currently a member of the event’s Program Council.

Graphic designer, curator, editor. Co-creator and editor of the national design quarterly 2+3D in 2001–2016. Author of articles and publications devoted to contemporary graphic design (including Niewielki słownik typograficzny, co-authoring the book PGR. Projektowanie graficzne w Polsce and Historia projektowania graficznego, editing the book Piękni XX-wieczni. Polscy projektanci graficy and co-editing the Widzieć/Wiedzieć selection of texts about design). Fulbright scholarship holder at the Cooper-Hewitt National Design Museum in New York (2001/2002) and the Kościuszko Foundation at the Rhode Island School of Design in Providence (2006/2007). He has been teaching at the Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Katowice since 2007. Lecturer at RISD in Providence (USA).
