Szymon Łabuś (PL)

Szymon Łabuś (PL)

I am a 2nd-year MA design student at Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Katowice, Poland. I design digital products and services. My field of interests includes social design, inclusive approach and multi-sensory perception of space. I am also a runner, Duolingo heavy user and former trumpet player. In my diploma activities I focus on digital overload and people’s relationship with new technologies. With my actions, I want to provoke reflection and help act intentionally according to protopic activity.

Digital Overload. Designing for intentional use of technology

Every day we assimilate tens of gigabytes of data through the screens of smartphones and other digital devices. The last less than 20 years have brought huge changes in the context of content consumption. Changes that we are not evolutionarily ready for. In this presentation, I will focus on an in-depth analysis of the practices and design patterns that contribute to this phenomenon. I will also talk about the consequences of digital overload on mental health, social relationships and well-being. An important point will be to show possible future scenarios, particularly focused on developing conscious digital interaction and design strategies that promote a healthy balance between using technology and being present in the world around us. By reflecting on current tendencies and seeking ethical innovations, I would like to spark a discussion that will result in a broader understanding of the topic and (in the long run) influence deeper social relationships and intentional use of technology.